A Comparison of the Nine Enneagram Personality Styles and Theodore Millons’ Eight Personality Patterns

by Jerome Wagner, Ph.D. There are several congenial correlations…

Narcissism and Enneagram Styles

There is some debate about which Enneagram styles display narcissistic tendencies.  Some put Sevens in the narcissistic category; some put Threes in that basket; some say any Enneagram type can manifest narcissistic leanings.  I propose to completely unresolve this issue by presenting some theories about the origins or etiology of narcissism, quoting some theories about which Enneagram styles might express narcissistic tendencies, and in conclusion drawing some inconclusions.

History of the Enneagram

by Jerome Wagner, Ph.D. A recently popularized typology which…

Values and Visions

by Jerome Wagner, Ph.D. At the heart of each person's style…

Values and Proficiencies

by Jerome Wagner, Ph.D. Our values and visions give us an…

A 3-V View of The Enneagram: Values, Visions, and Vulnerabilities

by Jerome Wagner, Ph.D. When I was first introduced to the…