Enneagram Styles and Defense Mechanisms
Enneagram Styles: Resilience, Eustress, And Distress
Where Does Your Authority Come From? Part 2
Where Does Your Authority Come From?
Virtues, Vices, and Relationships
In the Enneagram system, virtues are said to be nine manifestations of love cleanly expressed while vices are appearances of love distorted or corrupted. Since love can be directed both at ourself and towards others, the virtues are good for our relationship with ourself and with others.
Find out in this article which is a better attitude and disposition for your relationship with yourself and with others:
When I read this definition, I thought of a child’s first encounter with something new in the world. Actually, everything is new to a child.
Then I thought about the Enneagram styles and wondered if wonder flows from and fosters the high side or essence of each style. Wonder seems to accompany the adaptive or divine idea which elicits the virtue or adaptive emotional response. Wonder acts as an antidote to the maladaptive or wrong ideas which stir up the vices of the styles.